Show and Tell by Emmy nominated Håvard Munkejord and more!

Håvard Munkejord and Torbjørn Nymark will be taking us through parts of their work on a production needing lots of ships, oceans, multiple CG cities, floating corpses, and lots more.

About the presenters:

Håvard Munkejord is the head of asset department and a VFX supervisor at Storm Studios. He started at Storm as a CG intern about 13 years ago and has been involved in most of the productions at Storm since. He will focus on the overarching production challenges and go in depth in a few cases on the CG side.

Torbjørn Nymark is a Lead Compositor at Storm studios and has worked with VFX 15+ years, with everything from 3D and arch viz, to stop motion, comp and onset supervision. Torbjørn will take us through some of the technical challenges and solutions faced by the comp team at Storm on a show with some unorthodox lenses, large CG locations and set-extensions.
